Finishing a labor of love
|After years of reworking the manuscript of My Magical Palace and a shifting publish date, it was anti-climactic to finally reach the first critical publishing milestone—sending the final copy to the printer. Years seem like small leaps when looking back at endless writing, editing, re-writing, consulting, work shopping, book ending, plot redesigning, transition re-building … you get the picture.
So at midnight on April 19th, 2012, when I finally picked my choice of the cover, and verified that all my edits were in—meticulously tracked by my amazing team, I was not prepared for the morning after. It felt odd to wake up and realize that for the first time in ages, I did not have a manuscript to edit. Such a strange feeling, liberating and at the same time, I felt lost. Anyone out there have that same emptiness? Anyway, so no more of that crazy drill any more…
Until I start sharing my new novel which I think is coming along swell. Famous last words?